Management of severe atopic dermatitis in infants from 6 months of age
Dermatologists across Sweden gathered at a scientific meeting in Stockholm with focus on treatment of severe atopic dermatitis in children from 6 months of age. We were delighted that Dr Peter Arkwright from the UK was joining us for the scientific meeting to share his experience, research and views on advancements in infant AD. Dr Peter Arkwright, MD, MD, PhD, Senior Lecturer/Consultant, Pediatric Allergies & Immunologist, University of Manchester and Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, UK.
Dr Peter Arkwright from the UK shares his experience, research and views on advancements in infant atopic dermatits from 6 month of age in this interveiw in 15 min. Watch the interview here:
Dr Peter Arkwright visited Karolinska University Hospital as a speaker to present management of infant patients from 6 months of age with severe atopic dermatitis and Dupixent®(dupilumab) data.1,2
- Opening, Dr Mahsa Tayefi
- Dupilumab for treating children from 6 months of age with severe atopic dermatitis, Dr Peter Arkwright
Speaker: Dr Peter Arkwright, MD, MD, PhD, Senior Lecturer/Consultant, Pediatric Allergies & Immunologist, University of Manchester and Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, UK.
Moderator: Dr Mahsa Tayefi, Dermatologist at the Division of Dermatology and Venereology, Department of Medicine Solna, at Karolinska University Hospital in StocDepartment of Medicine Solna, at Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, Swedenkholm, Sweden
Watch the full video of Dr Peter Arkwright in Karolinska university hospital, Stockholm, Sweden here:
Speaker Dr Peter Arkwright
Dr Peter Arkwright, MD, MD, PhD, Senior Lecturer/Consultant, Pediatric Allergies & Immunologist, University of Manchester and Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, UK.
Dr Arkwright is clinical academic pediatrician and have worked in the fields of allergy and immune deficiency for the last 20 years. He runs a dedicated outpatient clinic for children with severe / refractory atopic dermatitis and leads a successful research program in basic and translational aspects of atopic dermatitis research. Furthermore, he acts as the local principal investigator for pediatric clinical trials of biologics (dupilumab) for the treatment of atopic dermatitis.
He also serves on the Allergy Skin Disease Interest Group of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, and have previously been Chair of this Group. He has been elected on to the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, and Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology in Practice and acted as Scientific Chair of National (UK-PIN) and International (ESID) annual conferences.
Dr Arkwright graduated from the University of Western Australia in 1982 with MBBS and BMedSci (Hon) and won a national Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Scholarship to Oxford, UK where he completed his PhD and a 4-year post-doc in the Nobel prize winning Department of Biochemistry. He then trained as a tertiary Pediatric Allergist and Immunologist in Manchester & Newcastle, before setting up the tertiary Pediatric Allergy and Immunology service for the Northwest of England.
Moderator Dr Mahsa Tayefi
Dr Mahsa Tayefi, Dermatologist at the Division of Dermatology and Venereology, Department of Medicine Solna, at Karolinska University Hospital in StocDepartment of Medicine Solna, at Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, Swedenkholm, Sweden.
Mahsa Tayefi (MD) is a dermatologist at the Division of Dermatology and Venereology, Department of Medicine Solna, at Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden. Parallel to her clinical work, she is currently conducting her doctoral studies, for which she in 2022 received a scholarship from the Swedish Association for Asthma & Allergy, on the use of novel systemic treatments for atopic dermatitis in adults and children, as well as how the presence of filaggrin mutations may affect treatment outcome. Her work is also closely connected to the Swedish national quality registry for atopic dermatitis, SwedAD.
- Dupixent SPC,
- Paller Amy, et al. Lancet. 2022;400;908-19
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