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Establishment of deceased donor program in your institute - Why and How?

The global incidence of end-stage renal disease patients is increasing at a rate of 7% each year. There is a mismatch between the number of people awaiting transplants and those who ultimately receive one. This disparity has prompted a renewed emphasis on the use of expanded criteria donor kidneys. On a worldwide basis, there is an increasing gap between demand and supply. In India, an annual occurrence of approximately 1.5 lakh cases of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is observed, but only around 11,000 kidney transplants are performed. This stark contrast is primarily attributed to the insufficient availability of kidneys for transplantation. Consequently, a significant disparity persists between the demand for kidney transplants and the limited supply of organs, underscoring the pressing need for strategies to address this challenging gap in healthcare provision.

Utilization of deceased donor kidney can serve to be a vital tool in increasing the number of available kidneys for transplantation, thereby improving the chances of successful transplantation for those in need.

In this episode of TRANSFORuM, Dr. Manish Malik discusses the topic of "Establishment of Deceased Donor Program in Your Institute - Why and How?" The speaker discusses the benefits of setting up a deceased donor program, as well as an overview of the rationale for the deceased donor program and the steps involved of implementing a deceased donor program.

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