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Take a Stand Against Influenza: Focus on Children

Influenza in Children

  • Children have a substantial disease burden associated with influenza with higher rates of clinic visits, hospitalizations and deaths compared to non-elderly adults
  • Young children, the elderly, and people with chronic underlying conditions are especially vulnerable to the complications of influenza1,2

Epidemiology Studies of Influenza Infection Among Children in Malaysia

Influenza is one of the main causes for ARI* in pre-school children3

Majority of influenza-positive samples were collected from patients <6 years old

Prevalence of influenza in paediatric patients ‹18 years old is 20%.3  

39% of patients infected with influenza were admitted to hospital.3

Adapted from Low YL, et al. Abstract 10579 presented at: Options X for the Control of Influenza; 2019 August 28 – September 1; Singapore.


*ARI: acute respiratory infection

Selected Underlying Medical conditions in Patients Hospitalized with lab-confirmed Influenza: US, 2016-2017 season

Impact of Influenza Vaccination in Children

  • 80% Reduction In LRT5
  • 77% Fewer absences from school5
  • 75% Fewer hospitalisations5
  • 61% Fewer parental absences from work5


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011) Prevention and control of influenza with vaccines: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 60: 1128–1132.
  2. Esposito, S. and Principi, N. (2009) The rational use of influenza vaccines in healthy children and in children with underlying conditions. Curr Opin Infect Dis 22: 244–249
  3. Low YL, Lee EKH, Muhammed MH. Abstract 10579 presented at: Options X for the Control of Influenza; 2019 August 28 – September 1; Singapore.
  4. AAP Committee of Infectious Disease (2017) Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Influenza in Children, 2017–2018.
  5. Jain VK, Rivera L, Zaman K, et al. Vaccine for prevention of mild and moderate-to-severe influenza in children. N Eng J Med. 2013;369(26):2481-91.
MAT-BH-2200204-Feb 2022