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Pause the atopic march (PAM): Module 2 conducted on 30th July 2022

This is a video recording of the PAM module conducted on 30th July 2022 by the Sanofi Medical Team. The webinar is the first part of a three-part series that deals with the progress of atopic diseases from childhood to adulthood.
Allergic rhinitis has a significant impact on quality of life. It is important to take into comorbidities while treating allergic rhinitis. Enough measures should be spent with patients on educating environmental control measures. Intranasal corticosteroids are the main drugs which can cover all symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Immunotherapy is the only modifying treatment.
The incidence of allergic diseases is increasing, and research on their epidemiology, pathophysiology and the prevention of onset is urgently needed. The onset of allergic disease begins in infancy with atopic dermatitis and food allergy and develops into allergic asthma and allergic rhinitis in childhood; the process is defined as “atopic march”. Atopic march is caused by multiple immunological pathways, including allergen exposure, environmental pollutants, skin barrier dysfunction, type 2 inflammation, and oxidative stress, which promote the progression of atopic march Since the disease state of atopic conditions is such that it cannot be treated completely.

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