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Individualizing r-ATG exposure: Key to overcome drawbacks of current weight-based r-ATG dosing

Pharmacokinetic modeling studies and clinical trials demonstrate a strong relationship between the r-ATG exposure and T-cell reconstitution. This presentation explains about:

  • Current r-ATG dosing strategy and guidelines
  • Association between r-ATG exposure and CD4+ immune reconstitution 
  • Association between r-ATG exposure and the 5-year overall survival outcome
  • PARACHUTE study 
  • Retrospective review of use of individualized dosing of r-ATG
  • Body weight and ALC-based r-ATG nomogram dosing in patients with inborn errors of metabolism
  • Optimal active r-ATG exposure associated with minimum risk of virus reactivation
  • Individualization of r-ATG dosing and the way forward