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Anti-IL-2R blockers comparing with polyclonal antibodies: Higher risk of rejection without negative midterm outcomes after ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation


ABOi: ABO – incompatible; BKV: BK virus; HLA: Human leukocyte antigen; IL-2R: Interleukin-2-receptor; LDKT: Living donor kidney transplant.
rATG: Rabbit Anti-thyomocyte Globulin; USFDA: U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


  1.  Del Bello A, Divard G, Belliere J, Congy-Jolivet N, Lanfranco L, Ricard R, et al. Anti-IL-2R blockers comparing with polyclonal antibodies: Higher risk of rejection without negative mid-term outcomes after ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation. Clin Transplant. 2019 Oct;33(10):e13681.